Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Quality Time

Yesterday was my anniversary (<3) so please excuse my absence.  I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day.

Let's talk about quality time...

To strengthen the intimacy in marriage, it's important that you spend time together.  That's obvious, isn't it?  You'd think so.  Unfortunately there are a lot of couples who think that their marriage will thrive, even if they don't make time for each other and share each other's interests.  Interests are a biggy.  My husband, for example, is a HUGE sports fan.  Before I met him I didn't really care at all about those things.  However, I want to share those things, so I have taken an interest.  And you know what?  It's awesome.  I like sports a lot, but most of all I love that we have something new to talk about.  We have something we can do together, and I'm not dragging my feet.  I make him feel like I care (which I do).  I know it can be hard.  We often resist new things, but it can open a whole new world to us!  And find NEW hobbies!  Start new traditions and activities together.  It brings you so close, and you wouldn't want them to find someone else to share all their passions with, would you?

Taking an interest  <3  Best husband ever.

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