Thursday, August 2, 2012

Media and Marriage

How are we affected in our relationships by the media?  Not about when we see representations of how it "ought to be", but I mean simply the time these things take up in our lives.

How many hours a day are you on the computer or watching TV?  Or both simultaneously??  You could think to yourself (and I'm certainly guilty of this), "We spend time together every day!  We love to watch movies and TV shows together."  I could do that with my worst enemy.  All you have to do is sit there and stare.  You're focused on the same thing, but it's not each other.

I found this online.  (Are they watching the Food Network?)

I love television.  And I love the internet!  (Hello!  I'm a blogger!)  But "all good things in moderation".  Over the last week, Steven and I have limited our TV and internet time to what is, for us, a major improvement.  (This was actually a happy accident brought on by living with old people and the disappointment of losing about 20 inches off the screen size we're used to.)  The TV used to be on all day every day... except Sundays.  And now we have some peace and quiet, and, more importantly, time for each other.  We have found other ways to spend our time!  If you will limit your hours of media a day, I promise it will make a difference in the intimacy levels in your marriage.  And not only between you two, but the emotional intimacy among your whole household!!!

As far as how this could relate to the bedroom, did you know that couples with a television in their room have sex 50% less frequently than those who keep it in the living room?  Wow.  Steven and I learned that early in our marriage and have vowed to NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER have a TV in our bedroom.  I can't imagine that many people find a movie more enticing than physical intimacy with their spouse, and I bet even fewer know about this statistic.  So spread the word!

P.S.  TV is awesome and I would never say cut it out entirely.  That's personal preference.


  1. I can't agree more with this post, we too vowed to each other before we were married that we were never going to have a TV in the bedroom and that goes for laptops too. The bed is our place to spend time together and we make sure we go to bed TOGETHER, none of this "I'm going to bed" "Okay I'm gonna stay up and watch TV or hang out on my computer." business lol.

    1. We are totally on the same page. Thank you so much for your comments, Chelsey! I'm so happy to know someone reads this stuff. Lol
