Wednesday, August 22, 2012


We all struggle with things,big and small.  The nice thing is that when you get married you have someone to share the burden with.  For instance, *preparing to share something personal*, Steven and I have been struggling while trying to have a baby.  We don't know why it isn't working, but my body just doesn't want to cooperate.  I find myself being really low and miserable at least once a month (usually when I start my period) and I cry a lot because "I don't know what's taking so long!", "I'm never gonna be a mom!", or "I can't give Steven a baby!".  I don't like to let Steven in on how much I'm hurting, but occasionally he'll see it or sense something.  In those moments, when he hugs me, talks to me, and just lets me cry, I feel so much closer to him! I feel like we're sharing the burden and I'm no longer on my own.

Helping each other to shoulder the load is a fantastic way to strengthen emotional intimacy.  The doors are open to discussion and we know we have someone to talk to and release the pressure of our trials.  Just because we tell each other our problems doesn't mean they're going to go away, but suddenly it doesn't weigh as much.  Talk about things that bother you at work or at school or with your friends.  Talk about having a hard time perfecting a talent.  Talk about anything that you're struggling with and then let your loved one comfort you.  It's hard, sometimes, to let others in on the fact that not everything comes easily to you.  We have pride and we don't always like to tell people that we're sad, but we should.  Nobody should be alone in their trials, and that is another reason God gave us marriage.

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